Casin’s DNA


Be the professional firm of trust and excellence in Iberoamerica.


We prioritize a triple impact business model, which covers the following concepts: social awareness, environmental impact and economic value.

We work hard on the personal and professional development of our work team, which is decisive in being able to offer professional and personalized, always founded on mutual trust.

We focus on our values, to be able to transmit them effectively and naturally to our clients. We operate from the inside out, always guided by the same values, in order to be a model company in Iberoamerica.


We work every day to be an model company both for our work team and clients, as well as for other companies in different industries.

We aspire to constant evolution in these areas: human and professional development, social and environmental commitment, and the generation of mutual trust


  • Passion
  • Confidence
  • Excellence
  • Teamwork
  • Personalized attention
  • Honesty
  • Respect
  • Open communication
  • Integrity of the person
  • Sustainable leadership
  • Cultural diversity
  • Gender equality


Casin is an organization destined for and towards clients. We analyze and help each of our clients backed by extensive knowledge in Audit, Outsourcing, Payroll, Consulting, Loan Staff & Tax.

More than 100 trained professionals combine technical and business skills to achieve excellent advice, which improves the performance and business of multinational, regional and national capital companies every day.

Currently, we have offices in Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Spain and the United States, thus generating synergy within Iberoamerica. At the same time, we are planning the landing in other Latin American countries.

We prioritize a triple impact business model and services whose main axes are personalization, trust, professionalism and high-quality teamwork, combined with fluid communication in daily operations, which allows a better understanding of our business customers.

Our commitment to Triple Impact is supported by technical reports and concrete actions; we work every day to improve our processes, structure and external actions in order to achieve a positive social and environmental impact, without neglecting and prioritizing producing sustainable economic value.


Casin is an organization destined for and towards clients. We analyze and help each of our clients backed by extensive knowledge in Audit, Outsourcing, Payroll, Consulting, Loan Staff & Tax.

More than 100 trained professionals combine technical and business skills to achieve excellent advice, which improves the performance and business of multinational, regional and national capital companies every day.

Currently, we have offices in Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Peru, Spain and the United States, thus generating synergy within Iberoamerica. At the same time, we are planning the landing in other Latin American countries.

We prioritize a triple impact business model and services whose main axes are personalization, trust, professionalism and high-quality teamwork, combined with fluid communication in daily operations, which allows a better understanding of our business customers.

Our commitment to Triple Impact is supported by technical reports and concrete actions; we work every day to improve our processes, structure and external actions in order to achieve a positive social and environmental impact, without neglecting and prioritizing producing sustainable economic value.

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